Children in the Library
Collection Development Policy
Gifts / Donations
Interlibrary Loan
Library Accounts
Library Technology
Remote Access to Library Databases
The mission of Davidson-Davie Community College Library is to provide information services and resources that encourage student success, enhance teaching and learning, and further the College’s mission. The library empowers individuals by educating and guiding users in the research process and prepares students for opportunities in a changing global community by maintaining timely, diverse collections. (Updated 05-10-2019)
Children in the Library
Davidson-Davie Library is academic in nature with a primary focus on serving the educational needs of adults. Patrons under the age of 18 that are taking a course at the College may use the library without a supervising adult. Patrons under the age of 18 that are not taking a course at the College must be supervised at all times by an adult.
Collection Development Policy
The goal of this policy is to guide Davidson-Davie Library in decisions about its collection. The library recognizes that adding and removing content is a complex task impacted by numerous factors. The following is information about the main factors the library considers in maintaining its collection.
- Guideposts
- Campus Needs
Does a need exist? Content needs fall into two categories: identified needs and perceived needs. An identified need is a need raised by any member of a campus body including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, student services, student organizations, etc. Perceived needs are needs identified by librarians where access to content furthers the College’s mission. With regard to adding content, the library prioritizes meeting identified needs that support the courses taught at Davidson-Davie Community College. Content identified as no longer meeting a need is considered for removal from the collection.
- Format
How many have access? The library prioritizes adding content in formats that allow access to the greatest number of users. When possible, formats that provide limited access are replaced with those that allow more access. Content is considered for removal if it exists in a format accessible through outdated technology. When possible, such content is replaced in a format accessible by current technology. The library also prioritizes adding content from providers that have accessibility documentation addressing their compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
- Affordability
What is the cost? If the cost for content prevents the library from meeting a significant number of other identified needs, priority is given to meeting the largest number of needs possible.
- Timeliness
What is the age of the content? The library prioritizes adding content that reflects current practices and schools of thought. Content that contains outdated information is considered for removal from the collection.
- Assessment
- Online Suggestion Box
Available throughout the library’s website, the Suggestion Box serves as an all purpose communication point where library users can make requests for content or comment on service quality.
- Forums
The library solicits content needs and input on service quality via email and by participating in a variety of campus forums such as faculty meetings, department meetings, new employee orientation, new faculty orientation, among others.
- Usage Statistics
Usage statistics are maintained on primary library services.
The library issues the Association of Research Libraries’ LibQUAL+ survey on a periodic basis. The survey measures users’ perceptions and expectations with regard to the library’s facilities, services, and content.
- Procedures
- Adding Content
Requests to add content may be made at any time by any means including the Suggestion Box on the library’s website, in person, email, or by phone. Requests that originate from perceived needs are evaluated via reviews and or by consulting local stakeholders.
- Removing Content
If removing content from the collection may significantly impact support for courses, local stakeholders are consulted. Stakeholders are given five business days to review what is being considered for removal and respond about its impact on their courses. If no need exists or alternative content is identified that will meet stakeholders’ needs, the content is removed.
- Lost Items
Borrowing privileges are suspended for library accounts with a lost item. Items lost for one year or more are not accepted for return, and the borrower must pay the cost of the item before borrowing privileges are reinstated.
- Damaged Items
Borrowers are charged the full cost for returned items that are damaged beyond repair.
- Payment
Payment for lost items must be made in full before borrowing privileges may resume. Payment must be made via cash or check. Refunds for lost item costs are not issued.
- Replacement Purchases
The library does not accept patron purchased replacements for lost items.
- Fine Appeals
The library makes every effort to regulate fines according to well-defined standards. Fine appeals are considered if they meet one of two conditions:
- There is substantial and valid evidence that the item was returned.
- The borrower was unable to return items because of circumstances beyond their control. Substantiating documentation may be required.
- Paid fines are not reviewed for appeal. Borrowers appealing a fine should complete a Fine Appeal Form, and submit it to the Circulation Technician. Once submitted, the appeal is reviewed and investigated by members of the Library Fine Appeals Committee. The borrower is notified via email of the Committee’s decision within five business days.
Davidson-Davie Community College Library accepts gifts/donations of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, dvds, videocassettes, or other physical content materials. Donors must complete and agree to the terms of the Gifts/Donations Library Agreement in order to donate. Accepted gifts grant the library ownership and allow the library to use the gifts as it sees fit (selling it, discarding it, giving it away, storing the gift, or moving it to various locations, etc). Donors may receive a letter acknowledging their gift if they indicate so on the Gifts/Donations Library Agreement.
Interlibrary Loan
The library offers interlibary loan, a service where Davidson-Davie Community College Library borrows books and articles from other libraries. Students, faculty, and staff that have no lost items are eligible for interlibrary loan services. To place an interlibrary loan request, complete the Interlibrary Loan Form.
Library Accounts
All Davidson-Davie Community College students, faculty, and staff are eligible to borrow items from the library. Borrowing privileges are also extended to institutions that made special arrangements with the library as well as members of the public.
- Classifications
A borrower is classified as Student if they are enrolled in one course. A borrower is classified as Faculty/Staff if they are currently employed with the college. All other borrowers are classified as Community Borrower.
- Eligibility
All borrowers must complete a Davidson-Davie Library Account Application in person or online. Community borrowers must present current, valid photo-identification to receive their library card.
- Library Cards
All borrowers including students, faculty, and staff must present their library card in order to borrow items.
- Library Account Details
Library accounts are valid for two years. At expiration, the account can be renewed for another two years at no cost. Borrowing privileges are suspended for library accounts with a lost item.
Library Technology
Davidson-Davie Community College students, faculty, and staff are eligible for borrowing library technology. Borrowers that return library technology damaged or with missing pieces may be charged replacement costs for the technology.
Remote Access to Library Databases
Davidson-Davie Community College Library provides its students and employees access to all library databases. Community members residents are provided access to NCLive.org.